HTTP Status Codes: Is Everything 200 OK?

Shaikat Ray

Ranging from 1xx to 5xx, tells a lot about the state of a website. 4xx and 5xx are problematic in terms of SEO.

1xx – Informational

2xx – Success

3xx – Redirection

4xx – Client Error

5xx – Server Error

Permanent Redirections

  • 301
  • 308

Temporary Redirections

  • 302
  • 307

301 vs 308: Difference

Both are server-side redirections meaning server is redirecting the browser or the client to a different destination. 301 and 308 are essentially same thing, except for the HTTP Method. 301 changes the HTTP Method to GET method while redirecting, but 308 maintains the HTTP Method, often used for Form Submission, Order Confirmation etc.

302 vs 307: Difference

Both are server-side redirections meaning server is redirecting the browser or the client to a different destination. 302 and 307 are essentially same thing, except for the HTTP Method. 302 changes the HTTP Method to GET method while redirecting, but 307 maintains the HTTP Method, often used for Form Submission, Order Confirmation etc.

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